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乐泰7700LED 手持紫外灯UV光源1427231

品牌: 乐泰
单价: 1.00元/支
起订: 1 支
供货总量: 100 支
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 天津
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-09-08 16:35
浏览次数: 131
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 乐泰7700LED LIGHT SOURCEloctite 手持紫外灯UV光源1427231
The Loctite® 7700 Hand-held LED Light Source is a UV/Visible light emitting hand-held light source. This system offers a high powered, portable light source capable of consistently curing many light cure products that respond to UV/Visible light. Click here for Adhesive Selector Guide. Due to its unique LED technology, the Loctite 7700 Hand-held LED Light Source can provide instant on/off performance and consistent light output. Due to the focused nature of the system's spectral output, IR output is drastically reduced, so heating of assemblies is virtually eliminated. The focused nature of the system's spectral output also minimizes the amount of ultraviolet energy that the system irradiates, thus minimizing concerns about worker exposure to ultraviolet light. 联系方式:022-27698485 4006062818
It can be run on its rechargeable batteries or while plugged into an AC power source. This allows the unit to be used as either a portable unit or a mounted unit with remote on/off capabilities. Due to its small size (less than one-foot long and less that 0.5 lbs.) and portability, this light source is perfect for applications in crowed areas and hard-to-reach joints.
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